Meet the #MOOcrew: Sophie, Customer Service Supervisor

Our MOOcrew are a pretty talented bunch. Wonder what it’s like to work at our headquarters? Here’s what a typical day in the life of a MOOster is really like…
Sophie McMaster
My name is Sophie, I work in Customer Service and I’ve been at MOO for just under 3 years.
At MOO, I’m responsible for…
Managing a team of customer service representatives. I work with supervisors in both the UK and US to keep the team happy and to ensure our customers are receiving the best possible support.
I got my role at MOO by…
Interviewing for a customer service representative role. I started at MOO on the same day we moved to our shiny new office in Farringdon and from there worked my way up to becoming a team supervisor.
My morning routine is…
Mostly commuting! I live outside of London which means waking up early to catch the train. I like to catch up with the latest news on the journey. It gives me time to properly wake up! At the office, the first thing I do is grab a cup of tea – I couldn’t function without it!
A typical working day is…
Incredibly varied and usually very busy! I start the day by catching up on emails and sending a daily debrief to the team. It’s usually meetings from there – catching up with agents on my team or meeting with other supervisors or departments to work on updates and new initiatives. Throughout the day I could also be interviewing, supporting new agents with training, working on upcoming projects at my desk, or helping agents and customers on the floor.
Something people don’t know about my role is…
Just how many things we help with! We support our teams with such a large number of varied queries, so you quickly become an expert in lots of different areas. People turn to us for help with all sorts of things and we have to work really hard to be able to say ‘yes’ – there are often lots of factors and competing demands andpriorities that come into play.
My proudest moment at MOO was…
Helping to secure promotions for people on my team and seeing them flourish! It’s incredibly rewarding to know that I had a hand in helping someone to develop their skills and reach the career goal they’ve been chasing.
The thing I like most about working at MOO is…
The people! I’m lucky to work with a really great team, we have a real sense of genuine camaraderie in the office everyone is so friendly! MOO understands the importance of supporting it’s employees. Plus, the annual summer/Christmas parties aren’t bad either!
On the weekend, you’ll find me…
Relaxing with friends and family, enjoying a countryside walk with the dog, or attempting to bake something. Also, probably adding more books to my never-ending wish list.
If I wasn’t doing this as a career, I’d probably be…
Doing something similar in terms of helping people, possibly related to my degree in criminology and psychological studies.
The best career advice I’ve ever been given…
Is to work hard, have confidence and never underestimate yourself. You don’t know what you are capable of until you really push yourself and believe you can do it.
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