They make MOO: Meet Ellie, graphic designer
Ellie tells us about her inspirations, her lockdown hobby and her favorite Instagram account.

It takes a talented bunch to make the MOO magic happen. Lucky for us, that’s exactly what we’re made of. Meet the people who make MOO a great place to work.
Ellie Shenton is a graphic designer in our design services team. She’s also a nail art aficionada, a keen cyclist and her team’s social butterfly. Read on to find out more about her role at MOO, where she finds inspiration and more.

What do you do at MOO?
I’m a graphic designer working within the design services team. My job is to create great designs for our MOO Business Services customers. My projects can range from creating designs for a suite of products to making files print ready.
What’s your favorite Slack channel at MOO?
My favorite slack channel is called Design Swipe. It’s a place where my team can share designs to help inspire each other. It’s also a great way to stay on top of design trends.
Complete this sentence. In my team, I am…
The social butterfly. I love to organize team outings or creative workshops.

If you weren’t doing this as a career, what would you do?
Over lockdown, I grew obsessed with nail art. I would paint tiny illustrations on my nails and found the whole process very therapeutic so I could see myself opening a retro nail bar.
What do you do to recharge?
A run, long walk or bike ride always makes me feel great, recharged and ready to rock those designs.
What do you like most about your job?
The best part of my role is that I get to work with customers from so many different industries. Last week, I worked on creating Notebooks for a video game publisher and today I’m designing Greeting Cards for an art gallery. The variety is exciting and keeps me on my toes!
What’s your favorite shop or food place to visit near the office?
There’s a Japanese takeout called Mugen situated outside of Farringdon station. They do the best vegetarian katsu curry!
What do you like the most at MOO?
MOO has a brilliant culture! As well as loving what I do, the people make going to work enjoyable. I’ve never been part of such a down-to-earth, kind and supportive team.
Productivity-wise, are you an early bird or a night owl?
I’m 100% an early bird. A good night’s sleep gets me ready and raring to churn out those designs in the morning.
Where do you find inspiration?
A lot of my inspiration comes from design sites such as behance, It’s Nice That and Creative Boom. You can find so much inspiration on the web these days. I’m also a fan of finding inspiration the old school way by visiting galleries, attending talks, or simply within my daily surroundings.
Who’s worth a follow on Instagram?
Mr Bingo, a London-based illustrator. Having discovered the artist from a talk at The Design Club – a creative community – I haven’t stopped following Mr Bingo since. His work is absolutely hilarious, smart and well-designed. Worth a follow!
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