MOO cares about you, our customer, and keeping your information safe. We make every effort to be transparent on how we use your data, how we protect it, and how you can manage your account.

We are committed to protecting your data
How we protect your data
All MOO employees with access to customer data are required to complete training on data protection and GDPR compliance.
MOO never stores sensitive payment information on our servers.
We require all our partners to agree to strict guidelines designed to protect your privacy.

How we use data to create a better MOO experience
Your order history is stored in your account, allowing you to easily reprint products you have ordered from us in the past.
We'll keep you looped in on where your order is and when it will get to you.
We'll keep you up-to-date on new products that are relevant to you.
When new products are released, you may be invited to receive a free sample.
Your data, your call
You can update your preferences any time by signing into your account and going to “Manage Your Information.”
MOO will always protect your data and never, ever share it knowingly without your permission. That would be very uncool. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our customer service team.