Sustainable design: 7 brands making the world a better place

We’re celebrating 7 do-good brands who are championing innovative ideas and sustainable design.

Patagonia clothing brand with sustainable brand values

Design is at its best when solving big problems. And there are few problems bigger than the challenges our planet is facing right now. That’s why sustainable design is so inspiring: designers are using everything from food to fashion, nifty apps to eco interiors to help us all do our bit for the planet.

Here’s a round-up of 7 of our favourite movers and shakers who are making the world a better place through innovative ideas and sustainable design.

Patagonia – clothing that lasts

Patagonia mens jacket being worth outside

We can’t talk about sustainable design without talking about Patagonia. The giants of outdoor clothing are turning their industry on its head. They encourage customers to look after their clothes and extend their lifespan by repairing damage instead of buying new. They have a ton of DIY repair tutorials on their website so you can have a go at mending a garment yourself. Their Worn Wear program lets you trade and buy used gear. This all extends a garment’s life so you can love it for longer. And as if that wasn’t cool enough, Patagonia is also powered by 100% renewable energy in the US.

Bee’s Wrap – keeps food fresh and lunchtimes exciting

Bees wrap sustainable alternative to food preservation

It’s never been easier to skip the pre-packaged sandwiches and ditch the single-use plastics, thanks to Bee’s Wrap. Made from organic cotton, beeswax, plant oil, and tree resin, they’re an eco-friendly alternative to plastic food wraps. They’re available in lots of stunning (sustainable) designs that will jazz up any lunchbox and keep food fresh. Every pack of Bee’s Wrap saves 1667 sq. feet of plastic wrap from entering the ocean.

Soiled Works – transforms single-use plastics into luminary sensations

Sustainable design by Soiled Work who upcycle used vapes

Chances are you won’t have to walk very far down the street before you come across a discarded vape. These single-use, plastic e-cigarettes pose a huge environmental threat: their batteries contain toxic chemicals that contaminate soil and water sources and poison animals. But one UK-based designer, Soiled Works, ‘picks up vapes from off the floor’ and gives them a new lease of life. Using the core stainless steel inside vapes, they transform them into gorgeous, minimalist lamps. It’s sustainable design at its brightest! 

ECOS paints – colorfully cuts the toxins

ECOS paint brand provides toxin-free paint alternatives to its customers

Most mass-market paints contain harsh chemicals that can cause headaches, skin irritation, nausea, and other maladies. But ECOS has created their own toxin-free paint range that is safe for human use and helps create a healthy, happy home. Water is the (not-so-secret) key ingredient, and the company is fully transparent about what goes into their formulas. As well as being eco-friendly, ECOS paints cover your walls like a dream.

Good on you – empowers conscious shopping

Sustainably designed clothing for Good on you, modelled to camera

It can be so difficult knowing where to shop or which clothing brands to trust, especially with the amount of greenwashing out there. But the Good on You app makes it easier. They give fashion brands ratings based on their sustainable and ethical practices. They consider issues like how brands treat their workers, their supply chain, animal welfare, and environmental impact before deeming a company “good” or “avoid”. Good on You also suggests ethical clothing retailers if your favourite brands don’t stand up on the sustainability scoreboard.

Coldharbour Tiles – cleans the oceans in style

Recycled plastic turned into luxury eco tiles with Coldharbour

This small design house is making quite a splash in the sustainable design world. Coldharbour transforms unwanted fishing nets into luxury eco-tiles. They’re a ‘net’ positive company – just one square meter of their tiles repurposes 4.5 kilos of ocean waste. We love a company that’s doing their bit for the environment (and our bathrooms).

Too Good To Go – salvages restaurant-worthy food

To Good to go app, offering wasted food at a discounted price

$1 trillion worth of good, edible food gets wasted every year while 828 million go hungry every day. Cafes and restaurants have to throw out perfectly good food they didn’t sell that day, while grocery stores have to toss anything going past its ‘best before’ date. That means so much delicious and nutritious food ends up in the trash. To Good To Go is on a mission to change all this. Their app allows restaurants, grocery stores, and cafes to sell food that would otherwise be wasted, at a discount price. Companies can still earn money while diners can eat well for a fraction of the price. It’s a win-win.

When it comes to sustainability, it’s all about doing what you can

It’s often the little things that can have the biggest impact. Are there any sustainable switches you could make in your business? It could be something as simple as giving staff their own refillable Water Bottle instead of providing bottled water. Or, switching to a recyclable, Eco paper.

Whatever you’re planning, we’d love to help make your project a reality. So get in touch here, or fill in our short form below and we’ll be in touch.

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