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Over 5 million people are 'Working 5 to 9' - building a business around their day job hours. Emma Jones offers 8 steps to doing it yourself.

Whether running a small business or freelancing, you're the driving force at work, but you're also the book-keeper, and office manager.

The internet is full of excuses to avoid work, so the team at FreelanceSwitch have compiled a list of 10 ways to eliminate distractions.

Forgoing sleep is a bad idea. Sure, you get those extra hours now, but you pay in spades later - losing focus, creativity and morale.

Long to-do lists collect dust, so start making yours shorter. When was the last time you put the final tick on a long list? Never, that's when.

When you put off decisions, they pile up. And piles end up ignored, dealt with in haste, or thrown out. So stop procrastinating and read this.
