Vintage Typewriters 1


MiniCards for journalists, freelance writers, copywriters, bloggers and novelists don’t have to have a way with words – in fact, you can cut out the text altogether! These vintage typewriters are an eye-catching way to sell your wares without saying a thing.

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There's nothing romantic about typing on a Mac or PC! I love vintage typewriters and my inspirations here were the 1936 Seidel & Naumann from Germany and a 1970's Maritsa 22 typewriter from Bulgaria (to be exact!). I put the keys in bold colours and on the reverse, used a traditional retro typeface.

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Chris Baron se licenció en Diseño Multimedia en la Universidad de Southampton en 2005. Ha trabajado en varios campos creativos dentro del embalaje y los medios impresos y audiovisuales, donde ha colaborado en proyectos para la BBC y Guerilla Creative Production. Sus fuentes de inspiración son los paisajes urbanos y los pioneros del diseño como Saul Bass.

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