Frame Fashion Horizontal

Flyers de media página

Your fashion brand is unique, especially if you make one of a kind pieces. Luckily, this flyer is fully customizable. Choose one image that best personifies your brand and upload it. Then, take advantage of Printfinity and upload as many more as you want to show off!

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When you want to give a flavor of your brand, I think simplicity is best – just let the art or photography speak for itself. In this instance, it’s fashion, but it could just as easily be a painting. The point is singular simplicity, not unlike a picture in a frame. I wanted to draw the eye towards the brand tone, and then on the reverse, keep it minimal with information.

Acerca del Diseñador

Sthephen Turner es diseñador gráfico y de productos criado en Kent y licenciado en Diseño Industrial por la Universidad Brunel de Londres. Steve tiene un interés especial en las marcas y le gusta todo lo minimal. Cuando no está frente al ordenador, pasa el tiempo haciendo deporte (esperemos que no se lesione).

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