Tarjetas de agradecimiento

Con sobres desde $40.00

Sube tus imágenes o elige entre miles de diseños para crear tarjetas personalizadas para tus clientes, familiares o amigos. Elige colores y fuentes para el mensaje en el interior y sube tu logotipo.

Crear Felicitaciones es fácil

  1. Upload or Browse: Upload your own image/artwork or choose from our designs.
  2. Personalizar: escribe un mensaje personal en el interior y sube tu logotipo o URL en el reverso.
  3. Purchase: We'll print, hand-pack and deliver your Thank You Cards to your door!

Essential information

Cant. Clásico
25 $40.00 ($1.60 por tarjeta)
50 $80.00 $75.00 ($1.50 por tarjeta)
100 $160.00 $142.00 ($1.42 por tarjeta)
Tamaño final
4.13" x 5.82"
105mm x 148mm
Tamaño sangría completa (recomendado para diseños terminados)
4.29" x 5.98" (300ppp)
109mm x 152mm (300ppp)
1287 x 1795 píxeles (300ppp)

Consejos y Preguntas Frecuentes de diseño

This is a thick 16pt, FSC credited paper stock. With a light satin coating on the outside, the inside is left uncoated, making it easier for you to write your own message. Each card is individually scored, ensuring a clean fold.

Find out more about the way we choose our paper.

Thank You Cards: A nicer way to say thanks

There's something nice about a personalized Thank You Card - and with MOO's Printfinity option, you can personalize every card in a pack!

Use MOO's easy online tools to create photo cards, announcements, invitations, birthday cards, thank you cards, and confirmation cards, or print Greeting Cards to show and promote your artwork or photography.

If you're reselling these, or simply sending a formal company greeting, don't miss the option to upload your own logo on the back of every card. Each pack comes with a set of thick white envelopes included, all you need is a pen and a stamp!

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