What's Going On

Rack Cards

Festival, music or arts venue, or even a local community center – when you’ve got events coming up to publicize, you need a really clear way of showing people what’s happening at a glance. Plus, short print runs mean you won’t get stuck with a bunch of out-of-date event calendars.

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Since the elements of this are so customizable, it was important to me to have a bold but very simple font – that way, you can choose either a muted background with a retro feel like this one, or something bolder, or photographic. Oddly, I was inspired by an old carpet I used to have in the house I grew up in – it was a busy pattern but faded, and everything I spilled stood out very starkly against it.

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Sthephen Turner es diseñador gráfico y de productos criado en Kent y licenciado en Diseño Industrial por la Universidad Brunel de Londres. Steve tiene un interés especial en las marcas y le gusta todo lo minimal. Cuando no está frente al ordenador, pasa el tiempo haciendo deporte (esperemos que no se lesione).

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