A brief history of MOO Business Cards 

With your help, we’ve been reinventing the rectangle since 2006. Here’s our story so far.

MOO Business Cards throughout the ages

When MOO began in 2006, our idea was to give the business card world a shake up. Or maybe a shuffle up. Not just by making better quality cards (although that too), but by doing it in a uniquely 21st century way. Business Cards to see in the dawn of Twitter and the iPhone. And today, in the age of X and that vision thing Apple now do, our attitude remains the same. Because while yesterday’s tech has grown old, print simply keeps it fresh. But let’s start at the beginning…

2006. We start small with MiniCards.

MOO Minicard design being held by a business owner

Before we did Business Cards, we did MiniCards. Half the size of a standard card, they started many conversations and made many people memorable, in a surprisingly big way. And they still do – because they’ve been a favourite ever since. With brands using them for everything from hang tags to WiFi password cards (the perfect size, really). It just goes to show, no space is too small to be reinvented. 

2008. We (finally) do Business Cards.

A simplistic, monochrome MOO Business Card design for a flower shop

Two years later, things got big. Well, the size of a full size Business Card, anyway. But did doing things the “standard” way mean we did things the standard way? Not at all. And definitely not for all those brands out, doing their own thing. It just gave them a bigger space to be creative. And almost twenty years later, people are still finding new things to do in that box. We suspect they won’t ever stop.

2011. We start cutting corners.

A MOO Business Card with a rounded corner finish for a floral brand

But only because we start offering rounded corners on our Business Cards. Nice and smooth but still with plenty of edge. So brands big on cozy vibes could express their gentle ways. Starchitects could stay true to form. And anyone looking to stay ahead of the curve, could. So what happens to all those lost corners? That’s a question for another time. 

2012. Luxe launches.

MOO Luxe, the most premium, luxury Business Card your can buy

The result of a collaboration with those expert paper people at Mohawk. Luxe made extra fancy, extra thick Business Cards available to everyone. With a pop of colour sandwiched between several layers of paper. It added an extra dimension to a traditionally 2D product. You could match the middle to your brand’s own colours and it had a natural texture you could feel – the antidote to super-smooth digital screens. It’s why Luxe is still beloved today. 

2015. NFC cards are briefly a thing.

MOO NFC Business Card designs are now a tech fad of the past

A moment in time when paper met pixels. Inside every MOO Business Card+ was an NFC chip. That meant your cards could link to your website, add you as a contact, play a video, anything you wanted. And they still looked and felt like paper, because the magic was completely hidden – like all the best magic tricks. But in 2020 we said a fond farewell to Business Cards+. Because unlike print, not all tech is timeless. 

2017. Our first tree-free cards.

MOO Cotton Business Card design for a fitness brand

Yes, our Cotton Business Cards really are made from cotton. But if that sounds like something radically new, remember the history of tree-free paper goes back a long way (as old as the history of paper itself). We were just reinventing the tech for today, for a time when every brand has to think about sustainability. It just goes to show, 500 years on, print’s still teaching us stuff. 

So what’s in store for the future? That’s in your hands. Because the MOO story is really about brand like yours, and where you take our products. So create your own small piece of print history. And if you need any help on the way, just get in touch below.

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