Meet the #MOOcrew: Chelsea, Junior Graphic Designer

Our MOOcrew are a talented team. Wonder what it’s like to work at our headquarters? Here’s what a typical day in the life of a MOOster is really like…
Chelsea Smith
Hi I’m Chelsea, I work in the service, sales and design support team and I’ve been at MOO for over a year now.
At MOO, I’m responsible for…
Working with the sales team to create great custom designs for our business customers. Our team works with a wide range of clients, from realtors, to salons, to tech companies. Every day we have a new brief and that’s what makes our job so exciting!
I got my role at MOO by…
Keeping my eye on the careers page for Design vacancies! I’d used MOO as a printer before and always loved the brand so I made sure to check back now and again in case they were looking for designers.
My morning routine…
Involves a Twix somewhere along the line from the MOOster-only cafe in the office – sometimes i’m not sure if its presence is a blessing or a curse!
A typical working day is…
Getting in and sorting through my workload so I can plan my day. I usually get small tasks done in the morning then move onto larger projects in the afternoon so I can put aside a few solid hours and really focus.
Something people don’t know about my role is…
We are also available over the phone for any customer that needs specific design software help or has questions or concerns about their artwork!
My proudest moment at MOO was…
Making a customer really happy by designing something that they really love. The design services team puts a lot of effort into really getting to know our client’s brand so that we can effectively convey their brand voice in their print designs, as well as creating something beautiful.
The thing I like most about working at MOO is…
The relaxed, friendly atmosphere and our amazing London offices. As a designer it really helps to be in an environment that isn’t overwhelmingly busy or cluttered. It’s hard to fall into creative block when there’s great design everywhere you look!
On the weekend, you’ll find me…
In London at a life drawing or creative class. Drawing and creating is my passion and there is always room for improvement. At the moment i’m studying modern calligraphy and sewing.
If I wasn’t doing this as a career…
I wouldn’t have a reason for being so paper-obsessed.
The best career advice I’ve ever been given…
“Do not seek praise, seek criticism”
Stay tuned. We’ll keep hosting guest blogs from one of our crew across the business to tell you what it’s really like to work at MOO HQ. Up next, we’ve got Robert, our IT support specialist.
Want to join our #MOOCrew? Check out our current vacancies
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