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Jobs of the Future

What job could YOU be doing in 20 years' time? We've teamed up with top sci-fi author Max Gladstone to find out...

Max Gladstone

About Max Gladstone

Who knows what the future holds? Fantasy author Max Gladstone seems like an excellent person to ask.

Max’s 2012 debut novel, Three Parts Dead, became the first book in his post-industrial series the Craft Sequence. And he recently created the globetrotting urban fantasy Bookburners. So he can dream up alternate worlds in his sleep.

You can read Max’s big vision below. Where you’ll also find some suitably futuristic Business Cards...

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Business Cards of the Future

The jobs might be years away, but you can order these Business Card designs right now and be 20 years ahead of the game.

Max Gladstone

"I'm always wondering what the future might look like. It was exciting to work with MOO to peer forward into 2037."

Max Gladstone
Fantasy Author

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