Beat the blank page and get ideas off the ground with Seth Godin’s “Focus: A Ship It Journal”

Seth Godin

Got a great idea but unsure how to bring it to life? Keep projects moving and remove roadblocks with Seth Godin’s “Focus: A Ship It Journal”.

Sometimes a great idea can get lost in the brainstorming process. Or the nitty-gritty details can dim the spark of inspiration you started out with. It’s true—great ideas take work. And bringing your work to the world takes organization before you ship it.

So, what does it mean to “ship” your work? Put it in the mail? A nautical journey? Well, metaphorically speaking…sure. But here, it’s the process of moving your complex vision along into reality with some simple, yet effective ideation and planning. Without structure and guidance, an idea can remain just that—an idea. That’s where best-selling author, speaker, thinker, and veteran shipper, Seth Godin comes in.

MOO meets Seth Godin

Seth Godin is the New York Times bestselling author of 18 books, and has made a name for himself in the world of ideas in the past few years. He became widely known for his book, The Purple Cow, which was a guide for businesses of all sizes to think about the ways to stand out in a saturated market. Seth has also hosted a viral TED Talk about how to get your ideas to spread.

His latest book is a partnership with MOO, called “Focus: A Ship It Journal”, which brings his ship-it methods to a broader audience.

Bring your project into focus

With the Ship It Journal, Godin set out to provide a structured approach for managing projects of all shapes and sizes. While notebooks are a great tool for getting there, the blank page can be intimidating. “I think that an organized journal can give people the foundation they need to create ever better work,” Godin says.

A new way to ship great ideas

Teaming up with MOO, Seth Godin has brought the Ship It Journal back—and it’s better than ever. “Focus: A Ship It Journal” is a workbook that only comes to life after you start writing in it.

If you loved our Hardcover Notebooks you’re in luck. The Ship It Journal has the same lay-flat design, swiss binding and premium Munken Kristall paper. And now, all that goodness comes with Seth’s step-by-step guidance to keep your projects moving—brilliantly simple (and simply brilliant).

  • Seth Godin notebook
  • Seth Godin open notebook

“The moment you write something down, it’s more real than it was just a moment ago,” Godin tells MOO. “So if you have an idea that matters, it probably matters enough to start writing it down.”

But where does the shipping process begin? To start, the workbook allows ample room to define your ideas by putting them to paper. (Seth suggests you write in pen, because no idea worth shipping is too bold to erase later.)

And, to make sure your vision reaches its maximum potential, the idea generation section tackles everything from defining the shape and scope of your project, identifying the key players for making it happen, and how to overcome those unexpected problems that may arise—because, hey, you never know.

The Notebook works for week-long solo projects and complex projects that involve dozens of people and millions of dollars. No matter how big or small the project, Godin offers key advice to guide you through.

  • Seth Godin hardcover notebook
  • Close-up of Seth Godin notebook
  • Merely begin page in Seth Godin notebook

Design meets functionality

MOO had the honor of designing a workbook for one of the most admired contemporary marketing gurus, which is no small feat. Luckily, Seth’s words and ideas inspired the MOO design team to bring them to life in beautiful (and useful) design spreads.

According to MOO’s Head of Design, Sarah Daley, the team focused on using large type as a design element, which puts the content into the spotlight across the spread. “Throughout the workbook,” Sarah explains, “simple geometric shapes speak to the process of taking things apart, and putting them back together again. This illustrates the key theme of focus, forward motion, and project milestones.”

Whether you’re just starting out on a small business venture, or organizing your team to embark on the next big project—the Ship It Journal is the perfect companion to go from idea to “I did it.”

Order your “Ship It Journal” and bring your ideas to life

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