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What is Embolden?

Embolden is an award winning development, design and consultancy group who recently rebranded - and being the smart, forward thinking group that they are, they naturally wanted their marketing materials to match their company culture. They told us "We are an enthusiastic group of diverse individuals who are excited about the work we do and the lives that we lead and we wanted our business cards to reflect that." Sounds like a plan!

Memorable in a digital world

"We wanted a different kind of business card, something that offered more than a person’s name and title." Embolden told their MOO for Business account manager. "We wanted a Business Card that conveyed a sense of how each of us contributes to the company culture. Our tagline is "Real people. Digital thinking" and we wanted that idea expressed on our cards."

Why MOO for Business?

The idea was to get both employees and potential clients engaged with Embolden's brand. So has it worked? In a word - yes! "Our design – a personal tagline and a meaningful picture on the back of our cards – nails it!" They say "Our people have really enjoyed the process of creating a personal tagline. Also, they've shared with one another what they think their coworkers' taglines should be. As for clients, at a recent conference people were collecting our cards once they realised that they were all different!"

Want to find out if MOO for Business can help your company? Have a look to see if you qualify, and enjoy even more MOO for your money.

Écrit sur :
18 juin 2013
Catégories :
MOO for Business Ideas, Marketing, Retail, Typography
  • Business Cards by Embolden

Create your own Business Cards

  • Uploadez vos images Il peut s'agir de photos ou d'illustrations. Vous pouvez également importer vos photos depuis Flickr, Facebook ou Etsy.
  • Ou parcourir nos modèles Utilisez l'un de nos modèles afin de créer des cartes professionnelles et créatives
  • Créez vos cartes ! Recevez vos cartes MOO en un temps record !
  • Start making now

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