Livraison GRATUITE à partir de 100 €

Freely Fractured

Cartes de Visite

Look down! It's like you're flying over a strange and fantastic mountain range. Or is it something else? An origami sculpture? Like looking up at clouds, this card can be what you want it to be – versatile but never boring. Make it blue. Make it red. Make it your own.

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Here I've used a faceted design to give a sense of life and movement to the print – I like the way it suggests connections. And it's also hugely flexible. You've got control over the palette – take it from bright primaries to greys. So the mood of the card can be adjusted to suit you.

À propos du designer

Stephen Turner est infographiste/producteur. Il a grandi dans le Kent et a obtenu une Licence en design industriel à l'université Brunel de Londres. Il s'intéresse particulièrement aux marques et au minimalisme. Quand il n'est pas derrière son ordinateur, il fait du sport (jusqu'à se blesser, probablement).

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