We support and stand with the Black community.

Black lives matter statement from MOO

What we’re doing. And what we need to do better.

To all those protesting against racial injustices against Black people – we stand with you. But we know that good intentions and nice words aren’t enough right now. As a business, we need to take action. 

From our culture to our collaborations, we’re exploring every aspect of MOO, looking at where we need to change and improve. This will take time, but there are things we can do right now.

One is to amplify the diverse range of Black talent that’s too often been missing from our communications. You have always deserved to be seen, heard and supported. We’re sorry this hasn’t always been reflected and we will do better.

We’re also going to support up to 5,000 small businesses and organizations every year, by giving away 500k USD worth of print supplies and design services. If you’d like to find out more, email support@moo.com.

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