Meet the #MOOcrew: Amanda, PR Manager

Our MOOcrew are pretty awesome. Wonder what it’s like to work at HQ? Take a peek behind the curtain at a day in the life of a MOOster…
Amanda Champion
Hey there! I’m Amanda, PR Manager at MOO, and I’ve been here since March 2016. My role sits within the larger Communications Team, comprising of PR, Social Media and Content.
At MOO, I’m responsible for…
Managing relationships and activities with journalists across the globe and keeping them as excited about MOO as we are, on a daily basis. We mainly work across local, regional and national newspapers, magazines, influential online news sites and sometimes even on TV!
I got my role at MOO by…
Doing a degree in PR at University and lots of work experience in all sorts of PR environments. I also worked for a UK retailer for just under two years before coming to MOO.
My morning routine is…
I have a beautiful walk over the River Thames to the MOO office while listening to the radio and then I make the most of the free MOO breakfast (a hard decision to choose what to have). I also check in on the news of the day and have a catch up with my awesome team before starting work
A typical working day is…
Speaking to journalists/reporters about MOO (our products, culture and leadership team). Working on our limited edition product campaigns, liaising with influencers, designers and a few partnerships, and setting up interview slots for our leadership team
Something people don’t know about my role is…
We often have to work to crazy deadlines. A lot of the time, journalists contact us for a comment or an interview with our someone from our leadership team and you can have just a few hours to turn all of that around. It can be crazy fast, but we live off of the buzz!
My proudest moment at MOO is…
I have lots of proud moments, which usually involve seeing MOO somewhere awesome – having our Chief People Officer interviewed by the BBC and that slot being on global TV was pretty cool. Also completing the Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge with 50 other MOOsters was incredible – so far we’ve raised a collective total of £25,000 for different charity causes!
The thing I like most about working at MOO is…
I feel trusted to get on with my job in a way that works for me, and I can truly be myself at work. Everyone is super supportive and working towards the same goal. People say hi, and everyone is just generally lovely. And they like to feed us, a lot…
On the weekend, you’ll find me…
spending time with friends and family or catching up on countless TV shows. I’m very lucky to have amazing friends and family and try to see them as much as I can. I’m currently half way through about 5 different series, so it’s pretty hard to pick which one to start again!
If I wasn’t doing this as a career, I’d be…
For years I wanted to be a teacher but then when I was old enough to watch murder dramas I wanted to be a detective – but without going through the ranks (I wanted to jump straight there). Then my mum told me that wasn’t possible so I looked for other avenues! I also really wanted to be a forensic scientist but I’m pretty squeamish so that was a no-go.
The best career advice I’ve ever been given…
“PR not ER”. Sometimes it’s hard to not let things get to you, especially with super tight deadlines, but at the end of the day the world will still turn tomorrow!
Stay tuned. We’ll be hosting a guest blog every week from one of our crew across the business to tell you what it’s really like to work at MOO HQ. Up next, we’ve got Steve, our Senior Designer.
Want to join our #MOOCrew? Check out our current vacancies.
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