They make MOO: Meet Jaslene, email marketing specialist

Jaslene tells us about her secret superpower, her thought on hybrid working, and more.

Jaslene Ubhi in the MOO office

It takes a talented bunch to make the MOO magic happen. Lucky for us, that’s exactly what we’re made of. Meet the people who make MOO a great place to work – starting with Jaslene.

Jaslene Ubhi is an email marketing specialist in the London team. She’s also a calligraphy expert, a soccer fan, and head over heels for her maltipoo, Ziggy. We stacked a deck of questions to pick from in front of her and let chance decide her (interview) fate.

Jaslene Ubhi in the MOO office

What do you do at MOO?

I’m primarily focused on email marketing as part of our wider digital marketing strategy. My role involves end-to-end planning, building and execution of all our marketing email campaigns, sales promotions, and broader cross channel marketing across the business.

What would your motto be?

I don’t really think I have one single phrase that I totally live by. Probably just something along the lines of “You do you, boo” – except I guess it’s just me saying it to myself? Not sure how inspiring of a motto that is really. Maybe it’ll sound better in Latin.  

If you weren’t doing this as a career, what would you do?

I’ve always thought that I’d make a great primary school art teacher. You know, finger painting, paper maché, all the fun stuff. It would probably be super messy, but I guess you get to create positive art experiences. Plus, little kids just crack me up all the time – they’re hilarious.

Jaslene doing lettering in her MOO notebook

Productivity-wise, are you an early bird or a night owl?

Definitely a night owl – I’m practically full-on nocturnal! As the rest of the world tucks into bed, for me it’s like a light switch flips on and I can finally think clearly. I am just so much more creative and productive at night because that’s the time when there are no interruptions and minimal distractions. I’m a big believer in bi-phasic sleep patterns, so sometimes I’ll have a short nap and then wake up later so I can focus on those tasks that require me to bring my top mental “A game”.

What’s your take on hybrid working?

I’d been an advocate for hybrid working even before the pandemic hit because I know myself when and how I am most productive and I know it’s not the same for everyone. The flexibility of hybrid working allows people to have more control of their work schedules and make their own decisions on how to best use their time without it being frowned upon. As long as there are clear boundaries or guidelines, I believe it can lead to more efficient productivity and better work-life balance – which is a win-win for everyone.

What’s your secret superpower?

Super (brain) speed. The ability to have a zillion thoughts racing at once, only to forget them three minutes later. 

MOO card with the question What's on repeat in your playlist at the moment?

What’s on repeat in your playlist at the moment?

I like all different kinds of music genres, but I can’t live without my reggaeton music – so at the moment it’s probably Poblado (Remix) by J Balvin

How do you recharge?

My job tends to involve me sitting and looking at a screen for hours, so when I want to disengage, I try to stay away from my phone and laptop as much as I can (unless it’s super urgent or I’ve got like 246 missed calls from mum). A nice, long soak in the tub always helps me feel a bit more rejuvenated. I’ve also got into ASMR a bit recently – there’s this channel on YouTube called The French Whisperer, so sometimes I’ll pop that on for a listen and practice my breathing for a bit before I go to bed.  

What’s your favourite MOO product?

It would have to be the MOO Hardcover Notebooks! I just love the premium quality and thick feel of the paper, plus the lay-flat design makes it the perfect notebook for my bullet journaling and brain dump doodles. 

What do you like to do when you’re off duty?

I like to try and tap into my creative side when I’m unwinding, so I often paint in the evenings after working in the day. Doing some painting while watching a juicy serial killer documentary on Netflix is basically my perfect idea of relaxation. 

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