And Away You Go

Cartes de Visite

Love travelling, but hate all the packing? With an image of a different horizon on each one, these cards just might satisfy your wanderlust. From deserts to mountain ranges, each uses a bold image and typeface to make quite the statement indeed.

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I wanted to take the idea of roads and distant horizons and see how that could work on a Business Card. The end result is pretty epic and has obvious links with the travel industry, so it’s perfect for those sorts of businesses.

À propos du designer

Stephen Turner est infographiste/producteur. Il a grandi dans le Kent et a obtenu une Licence en design industriel à l'université Brunel de Londres. Il s'intéresse particulièrement aux marques et au minimalisme. Quand il n'est pas derrière son ordinateur, il fait du sport (jusqu'à se blesser, probablement).

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