Marvellous Marble Thank You

Cartes de Note

Si vous souhaitez vous démarquer dans vos remerciements, voilà un design psychédélique fait pour vous ! Votre destinataire pourra l'ajouter à sa déco et vous toucherez ainsi davantage de monde. Gagnant-gagnant.

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What can I say? I love marbling. I love how easy it is to get such a complex and layered design from a nostalgic art form. Sometimes, it’s nice as a designer to do something a bit messier and playful. And it’s a cheerful background for a thank you.

À propos du designer

Emily is a Boston-based designer who earned her BFA in Visual Communication Design at the Hartford Art School. When not working at MOO she's most likely in her tiny home studio, sewing her own dresses, reading lots of non-fiction, and making breakfast for dinner.

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