On a Molecular Level

Cartes de Visite

As baffling as the world of science is, it does conjure up some awesome visuals. Take this design for example. It’s all based around neutrons and cells gaining energy. Looks ace, doesn’t it? Just don’t ask us to explain how it all works.

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I was really inspired by these scientific drawings that I found. It’s a pretty bold design with lots of energy, so it’s really suited to a business that’s all about movement and activity.

À propos du designer

Stephen Turner est infographiste/producteur. Il a grandi dans le Kent et a obtenu une Licence en design industriel à l'université Brunel de Londres. Il s'intéresse particulièrement aux marques et au minimalisme. Quand il n'est pas derrière son ordinateur, il fait du sport (jusqu'à se blesser, probablement).

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