Dal 12 dicembre, in fase di check out verrà aggiunta l’imposta IVA.

Ooh, shiney!

ShineyObject by Hancoli specializes in rhinestone jewellery and sells their products on their website and through Etsy. Their business cards capture the shine and sparkle of their products and allow them to showcase their work - acting as both portfolio and product catalogue, so they never miss a chance to show off their work.

A pocket product catalogue

The range of ShineyObject products lived up to their name - they certainly are shiny objects! In order to show the sparkle of Hancoli’s products, the ‘front’ of these business cards showcases their range of products using MOO's 'Printfinity' technology, while the ‘back’ is minimal with essential contact details.

Create custom cards

First created in Photoshop, these designs were then uploaded directly to MOO. In order to ensure your designs are a perfect fit for MOO's business card format, we've shared our artwork guidelines in our About section.

  • MOO Business Cards by Hancoli
  • MOO Business Cards by Hancoli
  • MOO Business Cards by Hancoli

Create your own Business Cards...

  • Caricate le vostre immagini Possono essere foto o immagini complete. In alternativa, importate immagini da Flickr, Facebook o Etsy.
  • O guardate i modelli MOO Usate uno dei nostri layout per realizzare biglietti professionali e creativi
  • Mettetevi all'opera! In un attimo realizzate fantastici biglietti MOO da condividere!
  • Start making now