Pick A Shape

Biglietti da visita quadrati

Questi Biglietti da Visita sono disponibili in tutte le forme (be', in realtà sono tre). Con quest'effetto "finestra" il design si trasforma da semplicissimo ad intrigante. Carica l'immagine che rappresenta la tua attività, e usa il retro per mostrare i tuoi dettagli, senza tante cerimonie.

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As a child, I watched a show called Rainbow, and one of my favourite parts was “Which window will be look through today?”. They had a circle, a square, a triangle and another one (possibly a diamond, it was a while ago!). I liked the uncertainty of that section of the show, and I like how it translates here, especially if you have a variety to choose from for your clients.

Informazioni sul designer

Matt Avery is a designer and art director who grew up in Essex, and now lives in East London. When not working at MOO you might find him playing music with the band 'Kindness', or trying to get his drum machines to work. He has a hatred of Croc shoes.

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