Proprio Natale


Let the solistice bells ring out and see if you can make them out of typed letters while you're at it. Of course, the great thing about a festive design like this is it really gets U into the spirit of Christmas.

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There is a huge amount of fun to be had using scratchy old printed letters and punctuation to make all manner of festive shapes. This ringing Christmas bell is a perfect example, with a C for a clapper and an O to stop it falling from the belfry roof. Sometimes the simplest ideas are the most powerful.

Informazioni sul designer

Il desinger freelance Sam Stephens è cresciuto a Manchester e ha studiato presso la Kingston University. Da allora, ha girato diversi studi di design a Londra, lavorando con clienti appartenenti al FTSE 100, fiere artistiche e fondazioni benefiche, ricevendo premi da D&AD, Graphics e Jerwood Foundation.

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