Different Strokes Thank You


Semplice e artistico, questo design delicato mantiene il tuo messaggio al centro dell'attenzione, lasciando moltissimo spazio per i dettagli sul retro. Bello e pratico, è il biglietto di ringraziamento perfetto per tutti, dai piccoli negozi alle grandi agenzie.

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We do so much of our work digitally, and I really miss the days when we’d grab for pencils or paintbrushes. Basically, I miss being a kid! There’s something both playful and delicate and unexpectedly personal about this brush stroke design, as though they’ve almost hand painted their thank you.

Informazioni sul designer

Emily is a Boston-based designer who earned her BFA in Visual Communication Design at the Hartford Art School. When not working at MOO she's most likely in her tiny home studio, sewing her own dresses, reading lots of non-fiction, and making breakfast for dinner.

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