Using traditional black and white photographs and MOO's Printfinity technology, Dan was able to showcase the best shots in his portfolio.

The Santa Barbara Silver Safari website is full of divine photography, showcased by owner Meredith Klassen on her new Business Cards.

When photographer Saahela Bamjee was asked to include her MiniCards in a marketing goody bag, she decided to make her own holders.

TOUS : Après toutes ces préparations de mariage, le jour J passe en un éclair. Profitez au maximum de vos souvenirs en partageant vos photos avec vos amis

Photographer Janell Wood uses her best photographs for the front of her cards using Printfinity, so she can carry her portfolio in her pocket.

La période des fêtes est le moment idéal pour prendre contact avec vos clients tout en faisant la promotion de vos produits. Mais comment ?

The team at wanted to share their passion for music with the people they met. With Printfinity, they found MOO had the answer.

Chez MOO, on aime les collaborations créatives et réussies. Le designer Mick Hodgson a permis à MOO de s’associer au créateur de mobilier Michael Boyd afin de promouvoir sa nouvelle ligne, PLANEfurniture.

When your work crosses boundaries, it's hard to show off all your skills in one card. Photographer and writer Ilva Beretta has found a solution.

Les mariages sont plus réussis lorsqu'il y a une touche personnelle. Voici comment Kelly, future mariée, s'est inspirée du passé pour imaginer l'avenir !

Science student Nate Moll has a keen eye for design, and wants to “bridge the gap between the science community and the general public with a…beautifully designed environment.” We approve!
